Radiology (Diagnostic Imaging)
We provide diagnostic radiology (X-ray), computed tomography (CT scan), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), mammography, ultrasound, and nuclear medicine services.
Diagnostic imaging is a variety of non-invasive techniques that use technology to create images of the inside of the body to help diagnose illnesses or injuries. The type of imaging used depends on the part of the body being examined and the symptoms.
- X-rays: Produce images that allow doctors to see bones and any damage they may have suffered
- CT scans: Also known as "cat scans", these combine X-ray scans to create cross-sectional images of blood vessels and soft tissues
- MRI: Produces high-quality images of bone and soft tissue by observing the magnetic pull of the atoms in your body
- Mammograms: A type of X-ray that checks for early breast cancer signs
- Ultrasound: Uses sound waves to visualize tissues
- Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine: Involves the use of radioactive tracers to image and/or measure the global or regional function of an organ