Health Services

Blood Donor Center

All blood types are accepted and needed. Your donation will be used to support downrange military operations, as well as for patients with critical needs within the local area. Thank you for providing the gift of life.

Blood donor drives are scheduled throughout the month at various local and on-base locations. You can find out where the next blood drive is by viewing the Facebook page - Wright-Patterson AFB Blood Donor Center - ASBP.

Donations are also accepted in the Blood Donor Center, located on the basement level of the main hospital near the chapel, on scheduled service days. Appointments can be made by visiting 
Wright-Patterson Blood Donors: In-house Blood Donation Appointments (

Who can donate?

General Eligibility:

  • 17 or older*•
  • Weigh 116 pounds or more*
  • Be free of cold/flu symptoms for at least 3 days
*Weight or age eligibility can vary based on type of product donating and location.

Common Medical Deferrals:

  • Tattoos or Permanent Makeup:
    • 7-day wait: Majority of U.S. states (regulated)
    • 3-month wait: Overseas or the following states/areas (unregulated): District of Columbia, Georgia, Idaho, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Utah, Wyoming, U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico.
  • Medications: In general, most are acceptable with no deferral including aspirin, blood pressure or cholesterol medications, birth control, antidepressants, pain medications, etc.
    • If you are taking antibiotics for an infection, you must wait to donate 72 hours after your last dose.
    • Oral PrEP/PEP (3-month deferral), Injectable PrEP/PEP (2-year deferral) and acne treatment (1 month deferral).
  • Vaccinations:
    • MMR or Varicella vaccination: Four-week deferral.
    • COVID-19 vaccination (Pfizer, Moderna, or Johnson) or booster: No deferral.
    • Influenza vaccination: No deferral unless symptomatic (deferred 3 days if so).

Common Travel Deferrals:

  • Three month wait: Donors who have been to Djibouti and Niger or other malaria-risk areas. Note: Afghanistan, Costa Rica, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Seoul have exposure risk in specific regions of the country or at certain times of the year.
  • Three month wait: Donors who traveled north of Seoul for more than 24 hours.
  • NO WAIT: Those previously deferred for vCJD or “Mad Cow” are now eligible (deferral has been lifted).
Deferrals and information listed are not exhaustive nor all inclusive and/or may have additional exceptions. Contact your local ASBP donor center for additional eligibility and deferral information or concerns.

Contact Us

Location: Building 830, Basement Level


  • Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • The medical center, with the exception of the emergency room, closes at noon for training exercises on the first Thursday of each month (unless otherwise posted).

Telephone: 937-257-0580

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